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Areas of Expertise

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is a treatment modality effectively utilized in anxiety-related disorders. The treatment approach focuses on cognitive restructuring for distorted thinking patterns, while also reframing to promote more accurate and positive thinking long-term. 

Exposure with Response Prevention

Exposure with Response Prevention (ERP) is a form of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy that is effective for the treatment of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, Phobias, fear of failure, and social anxiety. The treatment approach includes slowly reintroducing built up feared life objects or aspects to an individual that has irrational and debilitating fears surrounding a feared person, object,  or situation in order to reduce avoidance, and promote freedom from anxiety and resiliency for the long term.

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) includes components of mindfulness and acceptance strategies to help individuals tolerate distress, eliminate self-judgment, and allow for problem-solving, and a more positive lifestyle of flexibility. ACT is a complimentary treatment approach to CBT and ERP. 

My Approach

When working with every client, the first steps in treatment include developing a sense of rapport, transparency, and trust in order to create a working alliance. After an initial assessment and better understanding of each client's goals and needs, it is important for clients to have a basic understanding of the evidence-based treatment that we will be incorporating.


I strongly believe that in order for a client to improve, they have to understand what life can look like without the weights of distress and anxiety taking the driver's seat. A sense of hope is necessary in order for one to stay motivated for treatment. Therefore, we will work on building that motivation by engaging in the initial steps of CBT. Once a client sees the benefit from that first step, then the momentum really gets going. 


I know, firsthand, that treatment requires courage, hard work, and discipline. However, I also know that with the appropriate level of evidence-based care, one can get back in the driver's seat of their life, whether it be falling in love with their sport again, overcoming symptoms of previously debilitating OCD, or finding the light that shines within that others from the outside so readily see. 


Through professional and personal experiences, I am dedicated to helping others obtain that life-changing sense of hope, freedom, resilience and confidence that evidence-based care provides.

My Approach
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